The meaning of the name “Jung SuWon”

The Art of Jung SuWon

Jung SuWon” means the uniting ofbody, mind and spirit in total harmony

The example/story that I try to help students understand the meaning of Jung SuWon training goes like this:  When you are sitting at home with your school books open trying to do your homework but your mind is elsewhere maybe thinking of having a good time with your friends… ask yourself “am I getting my school work done effectively”.  The answer will be a resounding “No”.  Then when you are out with your friends at the mall having a good time but deep in the back of your head you are saying to yourself… bummer I still have not done my homework… ask yourself am I really having a good time with my friends? 

In both of these situations our body and mind are in different places.  The solution is to put your body and mind…

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