Archive for the ‘How-To’ Category

You have the power to fulfill your Dreams!

October 1, 2017

You have power to fulfill dreams

In Dr. Tae Yun Kim’s Jung SuWon Super Martial Arts, in the Seven Steps to Inner Power book, in AZ Quotes, in your life…

“In your thinking right now!”

“The power of the Silent Master within you is the power of right thinking, and the difference between a limited you and an unlimited you begins with your attitude and state of mind.

So, your first step in taking charge of your life is to take charge of your thinking.”

You have the Power to fulfill “Your Dreams!”

HE Can Do! SHE Can Do! Why Not ME!

How to Make an Easy Vertical Garden & Word Search!

April 22, 2016

Hello Young Warriors,

The best tasting herbs are grown at home.  A few green herbs are: parsley, cilantro, basil, dill, mint.

On page 58 in The First Element, Green strongly influences the heart.  As the middle color of the spectrum, the balance and harmony, green helps alleviate tension.  Green imparts a feeling of renewal, freshness and optimism.  Positive qualities associated with Green are generosity, humility, and cooperation. ~Dr. Tae Yun Kim

Here’s an Easy way to make your very own Vvertical-bottle-garden3ertical Herb Garden:

Easy Vertical Bottle Garden


  1. 3+ plastic water bottles (2 liter water bottle)
  2. Potting soil (Miracle Grow)
  3. A pair of Scissors
  4. Lettuce seeds or Herb seeds
  5. A Glue Gun & Glue stick

How to Instructions: 

  1. Recycle your plastic water bottles. Make sure they are the same size.
  2. Remove the labels.
  3. With a pair of scissors, make a hole through each screw-on bottle top lid so that water can drip from one bottle down to the next.
  4. With a pair of scissors, cut the base of the second bottle so the neck of the first bottle can fit into the second bottle.  Do this step with each bottle.
  5. Use a glue gun to glue your bottles together.
  6. With a pair of scissors, cut an opening in the side of the bottles for the seedlings to grow through.  This will allow your plants to grow out the side of the bottle and be picked.
  7. Fill each bottle half full with potting soil.
  8. Plant 3 lettuce seeds or herb seeds in the dirt of each bottle.
  9. Hang the bottles in a sunny location (6 hours of sunshine per day) sunny window, or balcony, or fence.
  10. Cut a hole in the top bottle base.
  11. Water the top bottle and watch the water drip down to the remaining bottles.
  12. An empty bottle at the very bottom of your bottle garden can be added to collect any excess water. When full you can reuse this water and start the process trickling down once again.
  13. Be patient – in 1-2 weeks your lettuce or herb seeds will sprout and grow into plants that you can pick and eat.

An Easy Herb Garden Word Search Puzzle

He Can Do!  She Can Do!  Why Not Me!

Learn how to tie your belt!

September 3, 2015

Attached is a new video that shows Young Warriors how to take care of your belt and most importantly how to tie your belt!

Youtube how to tie your belt

Always remember,

He Can Do!   She Can Do!   ‘Why Not Me!’

Korean Red Bean Ice Cream – non-dairy version

July 28, 2013

Healthy Foods Inspired by Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim

2013-07-26 red bean ice cake

When Dr. Tae Yun Kim was just a little girl, they didn’t have any ice cream in Korea.  They didn’t have electricity, or ice cream makers, or even the concept of any food that wasn’t meant to simply nourish.  Sweets?  Ice cream?  No way.  Just things to keep you alive and reasonably well, especially during and after the Korean War.

With the American Soldiers – to whom Dr. Tae Yun Kim is forever grateful for saving her and her family’s lives, came some things she had never heard of before, such as chocolate, coffee, candy, ice cream, among many other things.

And while she could never even dream of having any of those goodies – she was barely allowed to survive on whatever little food she could scrape and scratch together – she always wondered what they would taste like.  For example, once in a while an ice cream vendor…

View original post 371 more words

Learn A Very Basic Korean Conversation!

March 10, 2013

In your Country, what language do you speak?  If you live in a foreign country, do you speak your native language and also English?

In the United States of America, English is the language that is taught in school and is spoken in businesses.  Most people who travel and move from other countries to the United States speak their native language and also learn English.  Many people only learn English when they move to the United States.

In 1946, Tae Yun Kim was born in a small village in South Korea and learned to speak Korean.  When Dr. Tae Yun Kim was 23, she moved to Burlington Vermont, in the Northeastern United States, and learned to speak English the hard way with prejudice, language and culture barriers.

Now, as the number 1 Ki Energy Master, a best selling Author, and as a very Successful Business Woman,  Dr. Tae Yun Kim gave her Jung SuWon warriors, who only speak English, an opportunity to learn Korean.

Here is a very basic Korean conversation, that you can learn too:

Hello?     안넹 하세요?

What is your name?     이름이 뭐예요?

I am (Oh Joo Yung).     저는 (오주옝이)  에요.

Nice to meet you.     반값습니다.

Which Country are you from?    어느 나라 사람  이에요?

I am American.    저는 미극 사람 이에요.

(What Korean foods do you like?)

I like kim chi.   저는  김지를 좋아해요.

I like bibimbop.     저는 비빔밥을 좋아해요.

(What else do you like?)

I like norae bang. (Karaoke).   저는  노래방을  좋아해요.

Good bye, go in peace.   안녕히 가세요.


He Can Do! She Can Do! Why Not Me!


What is the correct “Front Kick” foot position?

August 14, 2012

In Jung SuWon classes, Grandmaster Dr. Tae Yun Kim shows her students how to tighten their foot into the correct “Front Kick” position.

Look at these 3 foot positions.  Do you know which one is the correct “Front Kick” foot position?  Circle the correct one.

Do you know what the correct “Side Kick” foot position looks like?  Circle the correct “Side Kick” foot position.

Do you know what the correct “Roundhouse Kick” foot position looks like?  Circle the correct “Roundhouse Kick” foot position.


Watch this Youtube Video of Dr. Tae Yun Kim’s Jung SuWon Demos!


Spread Your Rainbow Wings! (Make a Rainbow!)

July 16, 2012

Spread Your Rainbow Wings!

is a quote by Dr. Tae Yun Kim of Jung SuWon 


 Make your own Rainbow!

Try ths “Rainbow in a Bottle Experiment!”

  1. For this project, you’ll need some special equipment. This experiment, however, is special because it is the same one Sir Isaac Newton did when discovering properties of light.
  2. With your child, fill up a fishbowl or glass three-fourths of the way.
  3. Submerge a small hand mirror in the water, and balance it on the side of the glass.
  4. With one hand, hold up a white piece of cardboard in front of the mirror, and with the other hand, shine a flashlight into the mirror.
  5. You’ve created a rainbow in a bottle that will reflect on the cardboard paper.

“Have a Satellite View” and build your own Satellite!

June 19, 2012

by Dr. Tae Yun Kim in The First Element ebook

“Have a Satellite View” – “The higher your view, the wider and more thorough your view. Think of viewing something from the ground, from the top of the building, from a helicopter, and finally from a satellite.  Which gives you the widest view?  The most information about the environment?  The satellite, of course.  The satellite view is like the view you seek when you meditate in one way or another.  The information you gather in a meditative state gives you the highest, widest view.”

Click “InternationalSpaceStationPaperModelto print and cut out your model.

Click “InternationalSpaceStationInstructions_EE_pdf Standard to assemble your model.

He can do!  She can do!  Why not me!

Have a Great Day!


If you can think it, you can have it! Maze

June 1, 2012

This Seven Steps to Inner Power excerpt is by Author Dr. Tae Yun Kim!

“You may have an inkling of what your Silent Master is.  You know something of how It will enable you to create and shape your life according to your original, unique self.  But where do you start?  How do you bring forth your Silent Master?

In your thinking right now!

The power of the Silent Master within you is the power of right thinking, and the difference between a limited you and an unlimited you begins with your attitude and state of mind.  So, your first step in taking charge of your life is to learn to take charge of your thinking.  In Jung SuWon, we do this through practicing five principles of mental conduct.

But first, what is so important about mental conduct?  Just as we all obey physical rules of conduct in society so that we all function in an optimum manner, mental rules of conduct enable our creative minds to function in an optimum fashion.”

Tap into your Inner Power and have fun going through this Maze!

He Can Do! She Can Do! Why Not Me!

Gluten Free Sandwich for Lunch!

May 28, 2012

Sounds delicious! I’m going to make this sandwich for lunch!

Healthy Foods Inspired by Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim

It’s Memorial Day weekend, and we practically live outdoors now, especially since the temperatures are wonderful, around 65 degrees!  Perfect!

Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim has invited us to all kinds of great outdoor activities, including a BBQ.  But until then, hungry warriors are storming Jung Suwon, and something has got to be done about that!

It can’t take too much time to make food either, so here is a very healthy and very fast sandwich idea to keep Jung Suwon warriors going!  This can be made with regular bread, or, like I do, with your favorite gluten free bread.

Asparagus sandwich:

Pre-heat oven to 400 F.

Wash, and thinly slice lengthwise a handful of asparagus spears (about 6 or so spears per 2 sandwiches).  Sautee in one tablespoon of oil, with freshly crushed garlic, and add a tablespoon of chopped cashew nuts.  Add salt and pepper to taste.  Saute…

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